Sunday, 14 August 2011

How to take an helicopter without passing any mission?

For taking a helicopter you have to first take any fast car and then type 2 cheats comeflywithme
And seaways and as you will enter this cheats your car will fly for some time and also will float
On the sea. Then take your car to the beach and into the water then travelling through the water
Go to mainland and as well as you reach the corner of the mainland your car will fly and you can
Enter the mainland as you enter the mainland travel to eight ten vcn building right to the
Ammu nation in map this place is near the last bridge of the vice city from the left then as you
reach the building there will be a door that will be open then enter that door and you will see
An helicopter but before entering the helicopter type comeflywithme once again because if you do
not type it twice then the helicopter cannot fly.(note the mainland is the second land which is
locked in the starting of the game)

Click to see enlarged screen shot


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